Friday, April 08, 2005

Salman Al Farisi. Ra...
(lagi-lagi Judge the book by its cover... )

Salman Al Farisi Radhiallahu anhu, one of shahabah of prophet Salallahu'alaihi wassalam from Farsi was a gorvernor of Madinah. One day he was walking in the market, suddenly a stranger called him to carry his load, without say anything nor angry he carried the load and follow behind that stranger. Just because Salman Al Farisi (ra) was wearing a veryu simple dress, That stranger thought that he must be a poor person who needs money.

But then when People of Madinah saw what was happening, they cried out and said...

+ "Allah have mercy on you Amirul mukminin!"

+ "Here, let us carry the laod for u"

The Stranger was shocked when he found out. the person with simply dress he asked to carried his load is Amirul mukminin and apologized, he immediately took the back from Salman Al Farisi (ra)

But Salman Al Farisi (ra) refused and said;

+ "Dont worry"

+ "Lets Carry on"

Then he keep carrying the load until the door of that stranger's house without feeling embarrassed. Since then he promise to himself to always carry his burden himself.

:: Sometimes we judged and treated people according to what we see, then we put Physical performance become #1 in our mind, followed by demanding to people around us to pay attention on these, and it becomes like a virus, everybody think the same...

and people will start saying "what would people say if i did this and that..."
some people start satisfying other by doing wht people around wants...

Whenever this virus comes to our mind... Say, Indeed my prayers, my obidiences, my life and my death is only for ALLAH.


Zubia and Yusuf's Mom said...

Mbak Titi, gimana kabarnya? maaf udah lama ndak ke sini...soale ya baru hari ini bisa update dan blogwalking...

PErtanyaan saya dulu belum dijawab loh mbak...di karachinya di mana trus dalam rangka apa? kuliah atau?

Kami tinggal di daerah shadman town mbak, pasti tahu ya..

Zubia and Yusuf's Mom said...

wah mbak, cuma 15 menitan ya dari rumah kami:-D Mudah-mudahan bisa ketemuan ya mbak..
InsyaAllah kami ke Pakistan kalo ndak akhir desember ya awal januari.
Maaf nih mbak, nanya lagi:-D suami mbak juga orang Pakistan kah?
Selamat berakhir pekan ya mbak dan keluarga..

Zubia and Yusuf's Mom said...

mbak Titi sayang..penasaran nih mbak, abis pertanyaannya ndak pernah dijawab:-D
Suaminya orang Pakistan mbak? email-emailnya yuk
email saya

Saya seneng aja karena nemu temen di Karachi:-D

REncananya mau lama di sana ya mbak?
Have anice weekend ya..

Anonymous said...

dah lama aku ga kemari nih...
lam ukhuwah aja yah...mampir balik
btw,shoutboxnya lagi down-ya, makanya daku nulis di sini...


Anonymous said...

Assalmm makasih dah mampir ke jg suka bgt ama paki ppl...kami bisa nonton Paki TV loh disini..make digital satelite..:) Gimana urdhunya? maen2 lagi ya ke rumah kami :)

Lisa said...

Makasih udah mampir ya Ti...
jadi lagi di Pakistan nih..? Ayo kalo gitu mampir India kapan-kapan.. hehehe.

Kalo di Pakistan berarti tau dong bahasa hindinya singkong apaan. Aku malah yg gak tau soalnya disini gak pake hindi, Ti..

Anonymous said...

Tentang postingan "Krisis Identitas..." entah kenapa saya juga sedang merasa seperti itu...salam kenal ya dari Indra