Tuesday, October 21, 2003


Allah has mentioned in surah Baqarah verse 185,
"Ramadhan is the month in which was sent down the Quran,as a guide to mankind,also clear (signs) for guidance and judgemnet (bw right n wrong).So everyone of u who is present (at his home) during this month should spend fasting,but if anyone is ill,or on journey,the prescribed perioud(should b made up) by days later.Allah intends every facility for u;He does not want to put u to difficulties.(He wants u) to complete the prescribed period,and to glorify Him in tht He has guided u;and perchance you shall b grateful."
It is evident from the above verse tht the Glory and greatness of Ramadhan is due to revelation of Quran in this month so this is the month in which we celebrate the revelation of Quran.A very intresting thing to note is tht anything which gets attached to Quran becomes supreme and great.Like,
1)The angel who brought the Quran is regarded as the heads of all angels.
2)The prophet on whom the Quran was revealed is considered as the heads of all prophets.
3)The month in which the Quran was revealed is considered as the heads of all other months.
4)the night on which this Quran was revealed is considered as the most important and the holiest night in a person's life.
5)The places where the Quran was revealed r the most holiest places in the world.
6)The creatures on whom the Quran was revealed r the most high in Allah's sight n r ASHRUF-UL-MUKHLOOQAAT!!!!!!!And the prophet also said tht the best amongst u r those who leanr n teach Quran.
So all this is due to Quran...............Do we hv this understanding of Quran n consider it so High n Noble????

cut from an email from sister noor *gr8 article sis*
Welcoming Ramadhan Parade

Since 1995, I forgot the hijri year, we r a very enthusiast young muslim joined together and decided to make a forum of quranic study center named “FUTPA”. With the spirit of Islam we had, we did syiar Islam by held many special occasion related to kids in order to make them love islam and teach them quran.
As usual, there’s some annual occasions as syiar islam such muharram festival, and welcoming ramadhan parade. Last week we had this, its about seven quranic study center joined the parade, including my QSC (its not mine actually, but I was joined it before, with 2 of my sisters) the place is in our home… so I can say. Its mine hehehehe…
The parade started at 8 pm, we were gathered in masjid jami Al Gafur near my house then we had long march went around cibubur (place where we live…) back again to masjid. subhanAllah, this parade was very awesome and people amazed… hope it make them prepare 4 ramadhan with good things and stop them from bad thing….inshaAllah

O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off evil. Quran, albaqarah:183

Friday, October 10, 2003

The Virtues of Hijab

1.An act of obedience.

The hijab is an act of obedience to Allah and to his prophet (pbuh), Allah says in the Qur'an: `It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His messenger have decreed a matter that they should have an option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, has indeed strayed in a plain error.' (S33:36).

Allah also said: 'And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc) and not to show off their adornment except what must (ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw their veils over their Juyubihinna.'(S24:31).

2.The Hijab is IFFAH (Modesty).

Allah (subhana wa'atala) made the adherence to the hijab a manifestation for chastity and modesty. Allah says: 'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) over their bodies (when outdoors). That is most convenient that they should be known and not molested.' (S33:59). In the above Ayaah there is an evidence that the recognition of the apparent beauty of the woman is harmful to her. When the cause of attraction ends, the
restriction is removed. This is illustrated in the case of elderly women who may have lost every aspect of attraction. Allah (swt) made it permissible for them to lay aside their outer garments and expose their faces and hands reminding, however, that is still better for them to keep their modesty.

3.The hijab is Tahara (Purity)
Allah (swt) had shown us the hikma (wisdom) behind the legislation of the hijab: `And when you ask them (the Prophet's wives) for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen, that is purer for your hearts and their hearts.' (S33:53).

The hijab makes for greater purity for the hearts of believing men and women because it screens against the desire of the heart. Without the hijab, the heart may or may not desire. That is why the heart is more pure when the sight is blocked (by hijab) and thus the prevention of fitna (evil actions is very much manifested. The hijab cuts off the ill thoughts and the greed of the sick hearts:

`Be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy or evil desire for adultery, etc) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honorable manner.' (S33:32)

4.The hijab is a Shield

The prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah, Most High, is Heaven, is Ha'yeii (Bashful), Sit'teer (Shielder). He loves Haya' (Bashfulness) and Sitr (Shielding; Covering)." The Prophet (pbuh) also said: "Any woman who takes off her clothes in other than her husband's house (to show off for unlawful purposes), has broken Allah's shield upon her. "The hadith demonstrates that depending upon the kind of action committed there will
be either reward (if good) or punishment (if bad).

5. The hijab is Taqwah (Righteousness)

Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an: `O children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves (screen your private parts, etc) and as an adornment. But the raiment of righteousness, that is better.'(S7:26). The widespread forms of dresses in the world today are mostly for show off and hardly taken as a cover and shield of the woman's body. To the believing women, however the purpose is to
safeguard their bodies and cover their private parts as a manifestation of the order of Allah. It is an act of Taqwah (righteousness).

6.The hijab is Eemaan (Belief or Faith)

Allah (swt) did not address His words about the hijab except to the believing women, Al-Mo'minat. In many cases in the Qur'an Allah refers to the "the believing women". Aisha (RA), the wife of the prophet (pbuh), addressed some women from the tribe of Banu Tameem who came to visit her and had light clothes on them, they were improperly dressed: "If indeed you are believing women, then truly this is not the dress of the believing women, and if you are not believing women, then enjoy it."

7. The hijab is Haya' (Bashfulness)
There are two authentic hadith which state: "Each religion has a morality and the morality of Islam is haya'" AND "Bashfulness is from belief, and belief is in Al-Jannah (paradise)". The hijab fits the natural bashfulness which is a part of the nature of women.

8.The hijab is Gheerah

The hijab fits the natural feeling of Gheerah, which is intrinsic in the straight man who does not like people to look at his wife or daughters. Gheerah is a driving emotion that drives the straight man to safeguard women who are related to him from strangers. The straight MUSLIM man has Gheerah for ALL MUSLIM women In response to lust and desire, men look (with desire) at other women while they do not mind that other men do the same to their wives or daughters. The mixing of sexes and absence of hijab destroys the Gheera in men. Islam considers Gheerah an integral
part of faith. The dignity of the wife or daughter or any other Muslim woman must be highly respected and defended

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

You Will Not Enter Paradise By Your Deeds Alone

The People of Hadeeth believe and testify that no one is entitled to Paradise, even if he had performed good deeds and his worship was the most sincere, or his obedience was the purest obedience and his way was a pleasing one, unless Allaah favors him, thereby granting it to him through HIS Blessings and Graciousness. Since the good deeds which the person performed was not made easy for him except by the facilitation of Allaah, Mighty is HIS Name. So if HE had not facilitated it for him, the person would not have been able to accomplish this deed and (similarly) if HE did not guide him to it, he would never have accomplished it out of his own effort and exhortation. Allaah, The Most Mighty and the Majestic says,

And had it not been for the Grace of Allaah and HIS Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allaah purifies (guides to Islaam) whom HE wills. An-Nur 24:21

And He said informing us about the people of Paradise,

And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allaah, Who has guided us to this, never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allaah had guided us! Al-A'raf 7:43

Wa Lillaahil Hamd

Death Bed

It was early in the morning at four,
When death knocked upon a bedroom door,

Who is there? The sleeping one cried.
I'm Malakul Mawt, let me inside.

At once, the man began to shiver,
As one sweating in deadly fever,

He shouted to his sleeping wife,
Don't let him take away my life.

Please go away, O Angel of Death!
Leave me alone; I'm not ready yet.

My family on me depends,
Give me a chance, O please prepense!

The angel knocked again and again,
Friend! I'll take your life without a pain,

This your soul Allah requires,
I come not with my own desire.

Bewildered, the man began to cry,
O Angel I'm so afraid to die,

I'll give you gold and be your slave,
Don't send me to the unlit grave.

Let me in, O Friend! The Angel said,
Open the door; get up from your bed,

If you do not allow me in,
I will walk through it, like a Jinn.

The man held a gun in his right hand,
Ready to defy the Angel's stand.

I'll point my gun, towards your head,
You dare come in; I'll shoot you dead.

By now the Angel was in the room,
Saying, O Friend! Prepare for you doom.

Foolish man, Angels never die,
Put down your gun and do not sigh.

Why are you afraid! Tell me O man,
To die according to Allah's plan?

Come smile at me, do not be grim,
Be Happy to return to Him.

O Angel! I bow my head in shame,
I had no time to take Allah's Name.

From morning till dusk, I made my wealth,
Not even caring for my health.

Allah's command I never obeyed,
Nor five times a day I ever prayed.

A Ramadan came and a Ramadan went,
But no time had I to repent.

The Hajj was already FARD on me,
But I would not part with my money.

All charities I did ign ore,
Taking usury more and more.

O Angel! I appeal to you,
Spare my life for a year or two.

The Laws of Quran I will obey,
I'll begin SALAT this very day.

My Fast and Hajj, I will complete,
And keep away from self-conceit.

I will refrain from usury,
And give all my wealth to charity,

We Angels do what Allah demands,
We cannot go against His commands.

Death is ordained for everyone,
Father, mother, daughter or son.

I'm afraid this moment is your last,
Now be reminded, of your past,

I do understand your fears ,
But it is now too late for tears.

You lived in this world, two score and more,
Never did you, your people adore.

Your parents, you did not obey,
Hungry beggars, you turned away.

Instead of making more Muslims,
You made your children non-Muslims.

You ignored the Mua'dhin Adhaan,
Nor did you read the Holy Quran.

Breaking promises all your life,
Backbiting friends, and causing strife.

From hoarded goods, great profits you made,
And your poor workers, you underpaid.

Horses and cards were your leisure,
Moneymaking was your pleasure.

You ate vit amins and grew more fat,
With the very sick, you never sat.

A pint of blood you never gave,
Which could a little baby save?

O Human, you have done enough wrong,
You bought good properties for a song.

When the farmers appealed to you,
You did not have mercy, tis true.

Paradise for you? I cannot tell,
Undoubtedly you will dwell in hell.

There is no time for you to repent,
I'll take your soul for which I am sent.

The ending however, is very sad,
Eventually the man became mad

With a cry, he jumped out of bed,
And suddenly, he fell down dead.

O Reader! Take moral from here,
You never know, your end may be near

Change your living and make amends
For heaven, on your deeds depends.

If this poem inspires you,
It can help someone too.